Welcome to Feldmeth's Genealogy and other related families
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This is a non comercial database for private use only.
Although I check incoming information carefully I can not guarantee that all entries are correct. If you find anything wrong please send me an email.
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Where are the roots of Feldmeths and their geographical extension?
In my opinion the roots are in the area of Rudersberg - Mittelbrüden / Wuerttemberg / Germany. Some of them went to Willstätt / Baden / Germany and from there also to France (Dörlisheim / Alsace / France). Later a few immigrated to the US or stayed on their way in northern Germany. I also think that the name changed from Fellmeth to Feldmeth in the 16th century.
There are some other researchers where Feldmeth or similar spelled names are referenced. Some of them I have not contacted yet.
Walter Wolf from Weinstadt/Germany: Database of Walter Wolf (Feldmeth, Fellmeth)
Didier Ott from France: Database of Didier Ott (Feldmeth)
Ariane Grammer from Reutlingen/Germany: Database of Ariane Grammer (Feldmeth)
Pierre-Olivier AUBREBY from France: Database of Pierre-Olivier AUBREBY (Feldmeth)
Dorothy Feldmeth: Database of Dorothy Feldmeth (Feldmeth)
Note: For all external links the respective providers are responsible for these websites.
Thanks to Ria, Donna, Michelle and Deborah for their information
Birthday today
Feldmeth Margaretha 07.09.1739 has birthday today
Big birthdays this year
10 years, Feldmeth Frieda (Emilie Mathilda) 16.12.2014
20 years, Feldmeth Nina 07.07.2004
30 years, Barberio Alexandra 17.07.1994
30 years, Harris Matthew Raymond 26.01.1994
40 years, Feldmeth Anne Karina 22.11.1984
60 years, Finnerty Robert Daniel 27.06.1964
75 years, Kirner Christa 05.07.1949
75 years, Feldmeth Robert 15.05.1949
85 years, Jaime Helen 19.04.1939
85 years, Baker Pauline M. 08.01.1939
90 years, Schmautz Helmut xx.xx.1934
95 years, Terlizzo Anna xx.03.1929
95 years, Klieber Manfred Werner 25.01.1929
100 years, Dohler Anna Lillian 10.08.1924
150 years, Denni Friedrich Carl 16.12.1874
Anniversaries of the death this year
10 years (09.05.2014), Feldmeth (Hans) Kurt 10.07.1923
10 years (14.09.2014), Feldmeth (Otto) Werner 20.06.1932
20 years (24.11.2004), Feldmeth Otto Carl Heinrich 29.05.1925
30 years (15.07.1994), Feldmeth Carl Robert (Bob) 16.03.1942
30 years (18.10.1994), Langohr Renate 01.03.1940
40 years (28.05.1984), Gonzalez Antonio xx.xx.19xx
40 years (27.06.1984), Feldmeth Miriam C 02.03.1915
50 years (xx.xx.1974), Frick Pauline xx.xx.1894
50 years (31.07.1974), Feldmeth Elisabeth Eliese (Liesel) 24.12.1904
70 years (25.08.1954), Feldmeth Karl 07.11.1934
70 years (xx.01.1954), Feldmeth Pearl Marie xx.xx.1909
80 years (xx.xx.1944), Feldmeth Luise xx.xx.1891
90 years (25.03.1934), Feldmeth (Willi) Günter 22.03.1934
100 years (10.09.1924), Schob Maria Klara 11.05.1868
100 years (xx.xx.1924), Kübler Rosine Katharine xx.xx.1845
100 years (28.01.1924), Feldmeth Anna Bertha xx.02.1871
120 years (18.07.1904), Stutz Martin 11.11.1835
130 years (04.01.1894), Faltermann Catherine xx.xx.18xx
140 years (13.10.1884), Etling Anna Maria Christine 27.11.1836
150 years (08.12.1874), Feldmeth Johann(es) 02.05.1806
150 years (09.04.1874), Karcher Francisca 08.05.1844
150 years (19.03.1874), Feldmeth Pauline 17.08.1842
150 years (04.03.1874), Feldmeth Georg 13.11.1809
170 years (25.09.1854), Feldmeth Anna Barbara 16.05.1796
180 years (15.11.1844), Feldmeth Karline Wilhelmine 31.10.1844
190 years (07.06.1834), Sachs Francisca 14.02.1779
190 years (20.10.1834), Feldmeth Friederike Karoline 13.03.1834
190 years (17.09.1834), Feldmeth Elisabetha Gottliebin 15.11.1821
200 years (18.03.1824), Feldmeth Friederika Rebekka 01.08.1823
210 years (xx.xx.1814), Schönberger Friedrich xx.xx.1760
220 years (28.01.1804), Feldmeth Samuel Friedrich xx.xx.1746
280 years (27.09.1744), Feldmeth Johann 15.12.1689
Wedding anniversaries this year
Robert Daniel Finnerty 27.06.1964 20th wedding anniversary with Finnerty Jami xx.xx.19xx
Erik William Larson xx.xx.19xx 30th wedding anniversary with Larson Heather Nicole 19.05.1973
Rolf (Hans Josef) Feldmeth 22.02.1957 40th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth Marianne 30.08.1963
Carl Robert (Bob) Feldmeth 16.03.1942 60th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth Pamela Ann 18.11.1942
Arthur Richard Finnerty 11.08.1933 70th wedding anniversary with Finnerty Kathleen Ann 06.11.1935
Kaspar Stutz 24.10.1867 130th wedding anniversary with Stutz Karolina 05.01.1868
David Feldmeth 09.06.1840 160th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth Madeleine xx.xx.18xx
Updates from the last three months
Finnerty Thomas Arthur 03.02.1955 was updated on 4.9.2024 15:29:11
Database updated on 4.9.2024
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Webdesign Feldmeth
Tobias Feldmeth-Walter
Waldseestraße 50
77731 Willstätt-Hesselhurst
Phone 07852 / 1094
Mobil 0152 / 04776791