Welcome to Feldmeth's Genealogy and other related families
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This is a non comercial database for private use only.
Although I check incoming information carefully I can not guarantee that all entries are correct. If you find anything wrong please send me an email.
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Where are the roots of Feldmeths and their geographical extension?
In my opinion the roots are in the area of Rudersberg - Mittelbrüden / Wuerttemberg / Germany. Some of them went to Willstätt / Baden / Germany and from there also to France (Dörlisheim / Alsace / France). Later a few immigrated to the US or stayed on their way in northern Germany. I also think that the name changed from Fellmeth to Feldmeth in the 16th century.
There are some other researchers where Feldmeth or similar spelled names are referenced. Some of them I have not contacted yet.
Walter Wolf from Weinstadt/Germany: Database of Walter Wolf (Feldmeth, Fellmeth)
Didier Ott from France: Database of Didier Ott (Feldmeth)
Ariane Grammer from Reutlingen/Germany: Database of Ariane Grammer (Feldmeth)
Pierre-Olivier AUBREBY from France: Database of Pierre-Olivier AUBREBY (Feldmeth)
Dorothy Feldmeth: Database of Dorothy Feldmeth (Feldmeth)
Note: For all external links the respective providers are responsible for these websites.
Thanks to Ria, Donna, Michelle and Deborah for their information
Birthday today
Feldmeth Georg 12.02.1835 has birthday today
Big birthdays this year
10 years, Auer Lennart (Hugo) 10.12.2015
10 years, Hansert Paul (Anders) 19.05.2015
20 years, Feldmeth Eliza Ann 24.05.2005
40 years, Pendl Joseph about 1985
40 years, Feldmeth George about 1985
40 years, Feldmeth Dorothy 07.12.1985
40 years, Feldmeth (Rebecca-)Sarah 15.10.1985
40 years, Feldmeth Adam 17.06.1985
40 years, Couchon Tiffany 31.03.1985
50 years, Wyman Marc about 1975
50 years, Feldmeth Joann 09.11.1975
50 years, Feldmeth Irene (Irina) 02.04.1975
60 years, Schmautz Katrin xx.xx.1965
75 years, Pendl Joseph about 1950
75 years, Hübner Erich xx.xx.1950
75 years, Feldmeth Joanne Ross 01.07.1950
75 years, Smith Florence 09.01.1950
80 years, Feldmeth Nathan (Nate) Paul 07.08.1945
80 years, Feldmeth Karl 16.06.1945
85 years, Langohr Renate 01.03.1940
90 years, Schmautz Eberhard xx.xx.1935
90 years, Finnerty Kathleen Ann 06.11.1935
95 years, Bühler Johannes 30.11.1930
95 years, Feldmeth Walter R. 26.11.1930
95 years, Hall Arthur W. 09.09.1930
95 years, Kirner Lieselotte 11.03.1930
95 years, Funk Hedwig 27.01.1930
100 years, Funk Karl (Ludwig) 22.11.1925
100 years, Feldmeth Jeanne Martha 21.11.1925
100 years, Feldmeth (Erwin) Walter 24.10.1925
100 years, Feldmeth Otto Carl Heinrich 29.05.1925
100 years, Feldmeth Klara (Emilie) 11.05.1925
150 years, Denni Wilhelm 05.11.1875
150 years, Feldmeth Karl 12.05.1875
200 years, Feldmeth Johann Karl 19.01.1825
250 years, Feldmeth David 20.05.1775
350 years, Feldmeth Anna Maria xx.xx.1675
350 years, Feldmeth Hans Michael 29.03.1675
Anniversaries of the death this year
20 years (31.3.2005), Zinser Clara Elizabeth "Betty" 4.4.1918
20 years (23.11.2005), Finnerty Arthur Richard 11.08.1933
20 years (07.11.2005), Feldmeth Walter R. 26.11.1930
30 years (13.12.1995), Cruz Edna 20.02.1927
30 years (31.01.1995), Feldmeth Marie M. 20.09.1941
40 years (12.03.1985), Auer Elke (Susanne) 18.02.1953
40 years (28.09.1985), Zimpfer Berta xx.xx.189x
40 years (14.08.1985), Feldmeth George Edmond "Sonny" 07.10.1924
50 years (31.03.1975), Wiederrecht Benjamin 02.05.1899
60 years (1965), Feldmeth Frederick Lewis Jr. 18.08.1921
60 years (18.09.1965), Feldmeth Jakob Georg 08.06.1906
80 years (2x.06.1945), Faltermann Elisabeth "Lizzie" 23.01.1869
80 years (31.12.1945), Feldmeth Johann (Georg) 18.09.1900
80 years (1945), Feldmeth Clara 1873
80 years (04.04.1945), Feldmeth Karl Otto 05.02.1904
80 years (10.05.1945), Deubert Elisabetha (Eliese) 01.05.1877
80 years (30.10.1945), Fortune Arthur Samuel 14.05.1883
80 years (06.04.1945), Feldmeth William 25.05.1891
100 years (xx.03.1925), Hull George William 02.12.1882
110 years (19.03.1915), Preiss Friedericke Karoline 18.05.1838
110 years (23.01.1915), Feldmeth George (Georg) 30.03.1860
110 years (10.11.1915), Stutz Kaspar 06.01.1833
120 years (28.06.1905), Stutz Agnes 22.01.1828
120 years (xx.xx.1905), Kübler Johann Gottfried xx.xx.1837
130 years (15.03.1895), Feldmeth John (Johann) Ludwig 26.10.1892
140 years (23.07.1885), Badmann Karoline Gottliebin 27.12.1830
160 years (28.10.1865), Feldmeth Georg Michael 31.10.1806
170 years (04.08.1855), Feldmeth Friedrich Carl 30.06.1855
200 years (24.01.1825), Feldmeth Louisa Gottliebin 26.11.1824
Wedding anniversaries this year
Tobias Feldmeth-Walter 15.05.1986 10th wedding anniversary with Walter Tanja 09.05.1989
Rosa Feldmeth 17.07.1904 100th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth Johann (Georg) 18.09.1900
Barbara Wund 10.03.1841 150th wedding anniversary with Wund Johann 22.04.1846
Georg Feldmeth 13.11.1809 170th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth Elisabetha 14.02.1808
Joseph Feldmeth 17.04.1651 350th wedding anniversary with Feldmeth M. **.**.****
Updates from the last three months
Feldmeth Charles 22.05.1906 was updated on 12.1.2025 18:52:52
Feldmeth Marie Madeleine 21.03.1902 was updated on 12.1.2025 18:49:26
Feldmeth Marie Caroline 30.05.1891 was updated on 12.1.2025 18:45:58
Jost Jeanne Marguerite 09.12.1929 was updated on 12.1.2025 18:33:21
Pantzer Margaretha 18.02.1800 was updated on 12.1.2025 17:0:11
Hirschel Jacob xx.xx.1819 was updated on 12.1.2025 11:4:54
Feldmeth Barbara (Barbe) 08.11.1805 was updated on 12.1.2025 11:3:8
Hirschel Barbara 12.01.1834 was updated on 11.1.2025 14:6:34
Bühler Johannes 30.11.1930 was updated on 28.11.2024 14:9:32
Harris Ashly Wednesday xx.xx.199x was updated on 17.11.2024 18:6:54
Harris Harper Wren 18.11.2020 was updated on 17.11.2024 10:10:3
Harris Matthew Raymond 26.01.1994 was updated on 17.11.2024 10:2:47
Database updated on 12.1.2025
Please e-mail questions or comments to: webmaster@feldmeth.de
created by
Tobias Feldmeth-Walter
Waldseestraße 50
77731 Willstätt-Hesselhurst
Phone 07852 / 1094
Mobil 0152 / 04776791